Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Excuuuuuuuse me!

Hi everyone, long time no... blog?

Just a warning! This post might be a little "ranty" and it might be a little angry/harsh but bare with me, it has a point, I swear.

I was looking at my past "relationships" (if that's even what you want to call them because they only lasted for maybe a month and a half) and I realized, I am just not doing this whole "love" thing right. To tell you the truth, I have never been in love. I don't know the meaning of the word anymore! I don't think love has a specific definition. It all depends on the person you are "in love" with.

*Side note! And I'm sorry... but I don't count any of my past relationships as real ones. Because it never got to the "comfortable" point where the fella and I could let our guards down.

Back to the point! I'm not bitter or anything, I just feel like, with the kind of person that I am, it's going to take a while to find my soul mate. Someone that doesn't expect me to be on my best behavior all the time. SO SORRY, but I refuse to change who I am for a lousy wang that will possibly move on to a girl who just sits there smiling.

I'm a "funny girl." I like being silly and inappropriate, and I have no shame! That's why I'll probably find the right guy when I'm in my 30's or 40's because that's when people just relax. Everyone is so uptight now, and focused on there image. Shit, even I am, but it tires me out more than anything in the world! I vow, from this day forward, to stop caring about what other people think of me! Nah... just kidding, that's impossible. BUT I am working extremely hard on caring a little less. It's helped me tremendously! I do this new thing, where if I walk up to someone and I can feel them judging everything about me, I act really nice and give them a lot of compliments. It freaks them out, and makes them think twice about what they thought of me before! AHA!

...I like how this post went from LOVE SUX BITCHES! to "What is everyone thinking about me right now?!?!?!" Though, those two things go hand in hand, don't you think? We work so hard trying to be someone different... someone better, so that the opposite sex will take notice. Then when we show them our real selves, they're disappointed. How about we just make it easier on ourselves, hmm? Try actually being exactly who you are!!! Novel concept, right?! Then someone who actually matters will take notice, and not be surprised when you open up a little more.

Oh my god... I think I just solved one of the biggest problems associated with love...