Wednesday, August 24, 2011

From generation to generation...

I have a question. Why are teenagers acting so grown up already? When I was in my teens, I was ridiculous! I was cracking jokes, eating candy, laughing so hard I would cry, and being way too immature.

I look at the generations that are following up behind mine, and all I can think is "wow..." I see these young people saying "I love you" to their high school boyfriends, and girls spending way too much time on their make up and appearance. To tell you the truth, it worries me. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to worry about how you look, but if that's all you spend your time on, then that's a little sad.

What ever happened to the phrase 'young at heart'? That's definitely what I am. I still watch Spongebob for pete's sake. What I think is the most embarrassing thing is that these teenagers are so proud of their stupidity. Do they think it's hip to purposely post pictures of themselves drinking and smoking at a party, when all of that stuff is clearly illegal for people their age?

I'm not saying it's wrong to have fun and go hog wild, but be a little more private about it. You don't know what can make its way to someone of authority.

P.s. These are just my thoughts. They aren't for anyone specific. Just those who are addressed in my first post. Remember, you aren't alone.

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